It is ultimately about not putting other people a position where they have to choose between remaining civil/ avoiding confrontation, and putting themselves and their loved ones at risk.
I was just verbally attacked for asking strangers to refrain from petting my dog. 5 people stood around him, and let him jump up, lick their faces, they even kissed him, despite me, repeatedly asking not to. I did not want to walk into the circle.
Then they mocked me for “being afraid of the mutant flu", and confronted me for not wearing a mask. For reference I was out on our daily walk, on a big park area where we always go.
It is a simple enough request tbh, not to pet other people’s dogs without asking. A pet is like an extension of us. I am.not going to lie, I never liked when people did it. And bc a pet is not on a leash, it is not an invitation for strangers to pet them. I am now in Budapest, Hungary, and it is a recurring problem here. People are just disregarding your request, and they get defensive. I truly do not think I have to explain myself if I say please do not pet my dog. I even said it is not you, I was coughing, to soften the edge of the request.
In a lot of other cities we lived in, even 3 year olds asked if they may pet my dog.
During the pandemic, I do miss people being more considerate.