Hi Jamie,
That’s all true, but we can’t just point a finger at China and India when it comes to “unsustainable development". Without the free trade agreements and the sanctioning power of the WTO, wealthy Western nations would never have had the means to finally become post-industrial and develop their nost polluting industries to countries with less salaries, less safety regulations and no environmental rrgulations in place. It is not like China suddenly decided to build polluting plants. They have accepted the cash injections western multinationals offered.
These companies immediatly leave once they are not granted the tax breaks, once the given country starts regulating their safety, environmental and humanitarian requirements.
That is what happened to South Korea, when polluting industries moved to China, and now they are moving from China to Bangladesh.
Same with Western nation’s actual trash, that we exported to China, and now that they stopped accepting, it"s in heaps in South East Asian countries, who.do not have the facilities to process them.
So it is time for post industrial countries to stop acting all high and mighty, it is their system, thei marmet logic, their regulations, their greed for cost optimisation, their companies and their trash that has caused China and other developing nations to become big polluters and thus follow a rapid, “unsustainable development path.”